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CoreValues graphic
In all relationships, it is important to have an alignment of values. The reason why alignment is important, in every relationship, there will be conflict. Ask yourself: how do YOU respond to that conflict? The answer is: it depends on your values.
CCIM, Principal, Chief Executive Officer


is the cornerstone of all we do and say on a daily basis in providing the products and services to our clients. The foundation of our business, our employees’ livelihood and our future as a company is based on the trust and respect, we have from our many lenders, equity partners and vendors we transact business with. As a company we are entrusted with several hundred million dollars a year and we must never fracture that trust by compromising our integrity because it is paramount to our future success.
is important at every level and facet of our business. We believe no one is above being accountable – inside or outside of our company – and people should do what they say. Bottom line: be accountable for your words and actions.
cannot be delegated. We can delegate the work, but not the responsibility. It goes hand-in-glove with accountability. Once we are charged with and accept a task, we take responsibility for the execution and completion and know we will be held accountable for the results.
is important to our long-term success as a company. We believe in systems and certain methodology. A culture of discipline is important to ensure our systems are used effectively to create the desired result. We expect discipline within our organization and also from those that we work with on the outside; disciplined in thoughts, words and actions.
will keep our company and employees on the leading edge of our industry. We value personal development in each employee’s discipline to ensure we are always providing the best products; which the market demands. Only with education and an environment that fosters creativity will ideas and results surface to the top. We encourage employees and vendors to share their thoughts and ideas. How can we improve our product?
is certainly what keeps the company running. We value only profitable business and know that it is important to us and our partners as well as our local and national economy. We need to be profitable, but only under certain terms and when we have done everything else right.
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